Antonio Míguez Macho

Antonio Míguez Macho


ORCID: 0000-0001-7978-7659


Antonio Míguez Macho (Santiago de Compostela, 1979) is a Doctor of History from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2006), with the thesis The construction of citizenship through social movements. The labor movement in Galicia (1890-1936). Extraordinary End of Degree Award in 2001 and Extraordinary Doctorate Award. He is a researcher hired by the "Ángeles Alvariño Program" in the Department of Contemporary and American History of USC (2008). He has carried out research stays at the Cañada Blanch Center for Contemporary Spanish Studies (The London School of Economics and Political Science, London). Between 2015-2021 he was a researcher hired by the RyC program. At present he is Full university professor and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Xeography and History of the USC.


His lines of research are the history of social movements and the processes of construction of citizenship. At present he intends to further his research on the formation of the working class and the fight for acquisition of citizens’ rights and duties, broadening its temporal and spatial perspective. He is interested particularly in analysing in what sense totalitarian regimes such as Francoism could have influenced the configuration of citizens’ values and attitudes of the past and the present as expressed in civil society and its collective players.

His major publications include: La construcción de la ciudadanía a través de los movimientos sociales. El movimiento obrero en Galicia (1980-1936), Fundación 10 de marzo; (2008): “O adolescente viril: o Maurismo en Galicia, 1914-1923″, en Libro Homenaxe ao Profesor DR.D Xosé Ramón Barreiro Fernández, USC, Santiago de Compostela; junto a CABO VILLAVERDE, M. (2008): La inmensa minoría: la fugaz experiencia y las perdurables consecuencias de la Solidaridad Gallega, Ed. Base; (2009): Xenocidio e represión franquista en Galicia. A violencia de retagarda en Galicia na Guerra Civil, Lóstrego; (2011): Historia Breve de Galicia, Madrid, Sílex; 2019): "Apropiación do espazo público e memoricidio: do golpe de 1936 ás políticas públicas da memoria", en Boullón Agrelo, I. e Méndez, L. (eds.), Estudos de onomástica Galega IV. Os nomes das rúas, A Coruña, RAG; (2020): "Justificación, denuncia y olvido. Una interpretación histórica de los regímenes de memoria de nuestro tiempo", en  Lisandro Cañón e César Manuel Román (Comp.) (2020), Estado de excepción y terrorismo de Estado, Córdoba, Lago editora; (2020): 1936. Un nuevo relato, Zaragoza, PUZ

