HISTAGRA coordinates several sessions at the EURHO 2025 in Coimbra The HISTAGRA-CISPAC Group, through several researchers, is coordinating the following sessions in EURHO 2025: Miguel Cabo Villaverde: S14 | Rural violences in Europe (1880-1950) OrganizersMiguel Cabo Villaverde –...
ECOMUNITIES. Utopia, community and ecological alternatives. The return to the countryside in Portuguese-speaking countries HISTAGRA-CISPAC researcher Luis Toledo Machado has created a website, with the support of the Xunta de Galicia, which seeks to rethink the formation of rural ecological com...
HISTAGRA and the city council of Vilagarcia de Arousa will make a remembrance of the cemetery of Rubiáns as a space of memory Next Wednesday 18th of December at 11 am will take place in the municipal cemetery of Rubiáns in Vilagarcía de Arousa the inauguration of a monument that remembers the m...
The Prison of the Santa Isabel Barracks in Santiago de Compostela: re-signifying the space for democratic memory Antonio Miguez MachoPhD in History and lecturer in the Dep. of History-USCResearch...
The HISTAGRA lecture series for the 2024-2025 academic year is back On 30 September, a new day of the HISTAGRA seminar series for the 2024-2025 academic year begins. Once again, we present two pr...
Seminar “A terceira etapa de expansión da pesca española: Pescanova e o modelo de desenvolvemento pesqueiro (1960-1986)” given by Jesús Giráldez. Organized by Histagra. 21st May 2021. University of...
Conference "Ministerios orwellianos de la verdad. Vanguardia musical y guerra fría en España" given by Enrique Sacau. 16th April 2021. University of Santiago de Compostela.
Otero-González, U. (2024): "¿Mujeres de confort? Eufemismo y negacionismo de la esclavitud sexual militar en Asia Oriental (1931–1945)", en Cristina Nualart e Dámaso Ferreiro (eds.): Des-orden binario...
Miguez Macho, A. (2024): "El verdugo, la memoria y la historia: Tomás Garicano Goñi y el relato del franquismo escrito por los perpetradores", en Ayer, nº 136, p. 259-282
Veiga Alonso, X. R. (2024): "Galicia", en Pedro Rújula e Ivana Frasquet (coords.) (2024), El Trienio Liberal en la monarquía hispánica (1820-1823). Constitución y territorio. II. Los territorios penin...
Barca, S. (2024): “Trabalho e crise ecológica: o dilema ecomodernista no(s) marxismo(s) ocidental(is) (1970s -2000s)”, en revista Jurídica Trabalho e desenvolvimento humano, nº 7, p. 1-42.