Proceedings are opened by the Delegate Prosecutor for Human Rights in A Coruña, based on the investigations and findings of the Galician Democratic Memory Plan in the Vilacova grave (Lousame). The Delegate Prosecutor for Human Rights and Democratic Memory of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office o...
Diego Conde Gómez academic of the Galician Academy of Veterinary Sciences The researcher collaborator of HISTAGRA Diego Conde Gómez, doctor in Veterinary Medicine and researcher in Veterinary History, took possession last January 23rd of the chair nº 23 of national corresponding academic of the...
New lecture of Pasados Incómodos: History of the perception of Se isto é un hombre through translations On Thursday 6 February at 12 noon, the lecture ‘Historia da percepción de Se isto é un home a través das traducións’ will be given by Xoán Manuel Garrido Vilariño, professor at the University...
The Prison of the Santa Isabel Barracks in Santiago de Compostela: re-signifying the space for democratic memory Antonio Miguez MachoPhD in History and lecturer in the Dep. of History-USCResearch...
The HISTAGRA lecture series for the 2024-2025 academic year is back On 30 September, a new day of the HISTAGRA seminar series for the 2024-2025 academic year begins. Once again, we present two pr...
Seminar “A terceira etapa de expansión da pesca española: Pescanova e o modelo de desenvolvemento pesqueiro (1960-1986)” given by Jesús Giráldez. Organized by Histagra. 21st May 2021. University of...
Conference "Ministerios orwellianos de la verdad. Vanguardia musical y guerra fría en España" given by Enrique Sacau. 16th April 2021. University of Santiago de Compostela.
Cabana Iglesia, A. e González-Hidalgo, M. (2025): “Trending discourses and silences around the role of women in wildfires: A systematic scoping review and some reflections from the field”, nº 115,
Esperante Paramos, B. (2025): “La oferta de maquinaria agrícola en la segunda y tercera onda del cambio tecnológico en la agricultura en España, 1850-2000. Investigaciones De Historia Económica, 21(1)...
Valiño, N. (2024): "Entre el convento y el psiquiátrico: presencia monacal femenina en el Hospital Psiquiátrico de Conxo (Santiago de Compostela)", en Sánchez Manzano, M., A., Porro Gutiérrez, J., M.,...
Barral Martínez, M. Miguel Metelo de Seixas, Isabel Corrêa da Silva (Coords.) (2024): Coroa, Legitimidade e Modernidade Processos de nacionalização das monarquias na Europa de Oitocentos, Lisboa, ICS