History and innovation for agroecology 2024. International symposium On Friday 27 September 2024, a symposium will take place to discuss innovation and technological change for agroecology from a historical perspective. The aim is to reflect on the proposal of an ecological transition from hist...
The HISTAGRA lecture series for the 2024-2025 academic year is back On 30 September, a new day of the HISTAGRA seminar series for the 2024-2025 academic year begins. Once again, we present two programmes: Uncomfortable Pasts and Research Seminars. The Cycle UNCOMFORTABLE PAST: WAR, MEMORY...
HISTAGRA collaborates in the making of the web series San Simón, the penitentiary colony This documentary webseries is a different story about the island that became the symbol of Franco's violence, extermination and injustice. A historical glimpse that fuses animation with the interview genre....
A TESE DO 13 DE XULLO Miguel Cabo VillaverdeDoutor en Historia e profesor titular no Dep. Historia-USCInvestigador de HISTAGRA Adoita afirmarse que o deporte xoga nas sociedades contemporáne...
The HISTAGRA lecture series for the 2024-2025 academic year is back On 30 September, a new day of the HISTAGRA seminar series for the 2024-2025 academic year begins. Once again, we present two pr...
Seminar “A terceira etapa de expansión da pesca española: Pescanova e o modelo de desenvolvemento pesqueiro (1960-1986)” given by Jesús Giráldez. Organized by Histagra. 21st May 2021. University of...
Conference "Ministerios orwellianos de la verdad. Vanguardia musical y guerra fría en España" given by Enrique Sacau. 16th April 2021. University of Santiago de Compostela.
Diaz-Geada A., Trotsuk I.V. Nikulin A.M., Cañón Voirin L. (2023): Introduction. Special Issue. Differentiation in contemporary rural societies, en Russian Peasant Studies, V.8. №4. p. 6-9.