Aldara Cidrás Fuentes

Aldara Cidrás Fuentes

PhD in contemporary history

ORCID: 0000-0003-3572-5039


Aldara Cidrás Fuentes (Vigo, 1994) holds a PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2023). In her thesis "A xudicialización da violencia golpista. Unha mirada transversal á administración de xustiza entre 1930 e 1942", awarded with outstanding cum laude and international mention, she analysed the administration of justice with bio- and necropolitical purposes at the service of the rebel side during the Spanish Civil War. The main novelty of her research was, among other things, to include the study of the common jurisdiction in the universe of violence of the coup and to propose a theoretical-conceptual framework that allows us to understand the role played by the judicial system in the rebel strategy.

Translated with (free version). Although his speciality is historical-criminal studies, political theory and cultural studies, his lines of work are broader, covering in a multifaceted way the processes of mass violence, human rights violations and state terrorism: their contexts of generation, the violent practices that develop in them, the range of social attitudes and structural elements in which they proliferate, the traumas that these pasts generate and their subsequent management through policies of (post-)transitional justice. Her methodology of analysis is characterised by the careful use of interdisciplinary tools, an interest in digital humanities and a focus on the gender perspective. She is also currently developing the research project "Compostela (etno)gráfica" (@compostela_etnografica), which studies graphic heritage and gentrification dynamics through urban places of memory. She has been involved in several R+D+i projects, participated in numerous conferences and written in high impact publications, as well as organising and coordinating tasks. She combined her teaching and research experience at USC as a visiting researcher at Princeton University (2019) and resident researcher at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (2023). Apart from her scientific production, she regularly collaborates with the media and participates assiduously in various activities to disseminate historical knowledge to a more general public, believing in the need to transfer the results of academic research as a basis for a more plural and democratic society. 


Other relevant information:


- Currently working on an exhibition curatorial project for the Consortium of Santiago.

- Member of the research group Histagra since 2016 and collaborator of CISPAC.

- Experience as a peer-review editor and member of the editorial committee of the journal Historia Autónoma (2024).

- Extraordinary Master's Degree Extraordinary Award (interuniversity, 2017).

- Diploma in University Teaching from the USC (2021).

- Cambridge Certificate in English: C2 - Proficiency (2016).

- Member of the International Association of Spanish Literature and Film Siglo XXI (since 2023), the Spanish Association for Women's History Research (2022), the Iberian Network in Defence of Graphic Heritage (2022), the International Network for the Study of States of Exception and State Terrorism (2021), the Contemporary History Association (2017) and the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (2015).

- Fellow of the Barrie de la Maza and Amancio Ortega Foundation (2010).

- Professional experience in archives, exhibitions and archaeological excavations. 


Two of his latest publications are:


Cidrás, Aldara (2024): "Lawfare as warfare? Unas reflexiones históricas sobre la administración de justicia golpista en la guerra civil española", Revista Jueces para la Democracia. Información y Debate, in el. 109.

Cidrás, Aldara (2024): "Terrorismo de Estado y subjetividades femeninas, del Cono Sur a la península ibérica: una introducción", in Cidrás, Aldara (coord.): Terrorismo de Estado en clave de género. Violencias sexuadas y gestión de pasados traumáticos en el Cono Sur y la península ibérica, Córdoba, Lago Editora.

