Alba Díaz Geada
Contratada RyC
ORCID: 0000-0002-5924-5032
Alba Díaz Geada (1985) is a graduate in History from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (2008). Winner of the National Price for Excellence in University Academic Performance. She took a Master’s Degree in Contemporary History in 2009 and is a grant holder under the University Teacher Training Programme (FPU) at the Department of Contemporary and American History (USC). Winner of the Extraordinary Prize for Doctorate and Acknowledged in the Miguel Artola Prize for his doctoral thesis "Change in common economic, social and cultural changes in the rural Galician of the Franco regime and transition, 1959-1982" (2013).
Her lines of research are agrarian history and social history, social movements, social and cultural change, Francoism and the transition to democracy.
Her main publications include: (2011): O campo en movemento. O papel do sincidalismo labrego no rural galego do tardofranquismo e da transición (1964-1986), Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; with LANERO TÁBOAS, D., CABANA IGLESIA, A., SANTIDRIÁN ARIAS, V., and CASTELEIRO TABOADA, A.(2011): Dinámicas políticas de la sociedad rural gallega: entre la agonía de la dictadura y la implantación de la democracia: (1970-1978), in XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria (SEHA), Lleida.
Uma história pequena da Galiza rural (1939-1982)
Alba Díaz Geada -
Revueltas populares, A Mariña (Lugo) 1891-1892. Un bosquejo
Alba Díaz Geada