Travelling is a Pleasure...´ Leisure Control, Tourism and Images of the Other in the Iberian Fascist Dictatorships

Daniel Lanero Táboas, "Travelling is a Pleasure...´ Leisure Control, Tourism and Images of the Other in the Iberian Fascist Dictatorships", Journal of Contemporary History (JCH). July 2017 (On - line First).
DOI: 10.1177/0022009417704895
Abstract: This article examines the relationship between Francoism and the Portuguese Estado Novo in the context of state control of workers’ leisure time. The two Iberian Fascist dictatorships reacted to the international political isolation they were experiencing by seeking to strengthen their mutual ties during a period extending from the end of the Second World War until the mid-1950s. In the sphere of leisure, this was accomplished by means of two social tourism programmes: hosting workers from the neighbouring country in state holiday centres, and organizing trips in order to get to know the monuments and culture of the other country. These trips and vacations were used by the Franco Regime and the Estado Novo as a means of political and ideological indoctrination of workers. They were also intended to improve the perception of the national identity among the visitors, thus projecting a certain national image abroad.
Keywords: Fascism, Iberian dictatorships, leisure, national identity, tourism, workers