From Breeding & Feeding to Medicalization Animal Farming, Veterinarization and Consumers in Twentieth-Century Western Europe

Lanero Taboas, D.; Martiin, C.; Fernández Prieto, L. and Herment, L. (eds) (2023): From Breeding & Feeding to Medicalization Animal Farming, Veterinarization and Consumers in Twentieth-Century Western Europe, Turnhout, Brepols

To fully understand the changes in European animal husbandry during the long twentieth century, it is necessary to examine all aspects of the food chain devoted to supplying proteins and fats to a growing population. Indeed, the twentieth century saw great changes in animal husbandry - towards a market-oriented, intensified and specialized production. This influenced and was influenced by policies, trade, aspects of animal and public health, food supply issues, aims in animal breeding, development of production systems, principles in feeding and impact of producer cooperatives.