HISTAGRA coordinates the exhumation of the grave of San Salvador de Trasanquelos, Oza-Cesuras.

Exhumation of the grave of Franco's violence at San Salvador de Trasanquelos, Oza-Cesuras


This week, exhumation works were carried out in the grave of San Salvador de Trasanquelos (Oza-Cesuras), as part of the actions of the Galician Democratic Memory Plan 2021-2024. We are looking for Juan Torreiro Seoane, a resident of Bergondo, and Rafael Fernández Casas, a resident of Sada, who were murdered after Franco's coup d'état on 20 August 1936. They were registered as unknown in the civil register of deaths in Cesuras, until, in the forties and fifties, their identity was bureaucratically recognised.


The place of the murder is very close, near an old quarry at the top of the Murallón, and later, their bodies were taken to the cemetery, where they were buried together, one day later.


The collaboration of the neighbours and relatives of the victims was the key to determining, to a large extent, together with the results of the georadar, the possible location of the grave. Currently, we found two skulls with signs of violent death that will be taken to the laboratory for forensic and genetic analysis.

