Exhumation work begins at the Francoist violence grave in O Castro-Viana
Work begins on the exhumation of the grave of Franco's violence in O Castro-Viana
The plan of democratic memory 2023 begins this Monday 23-10-2023 with the works that the team will develop in the common grave of Castro-Pixeiros, Viana do Bolo.
The grave to be worked on is located in Castro, in the parish of Pixeiros, in Viana do Bolo. The person we are looking for is Anunciación Casado Atanes, daughter of Flora and Gabriel (neighbours of San Mamede), she was born in Atanes (Cualedro), lived in San Mamede (Viana do Bolo) and was 38 years old when she was murdered, on 21st August 1936, in the curve of the Revendeitas, in the road that goes from A Gudiña to Viana, specifically in the farm of Gracinda (in the Correínzas). She was registered in the death register of the court of Viana do Bolo on 30 August of the same year, by virtue of an order from the examining magistrate of the district. Although his death was registered as a consequence of "fracture and destruction of the brain mass", in reality, the very nature of the crime and the injuries he suffered constitute a "walk".
The cemetery of the Castro, is a recently memorialized place thanks to the actions of the Association "Los Torgueiros" and the interest and collaboration of neighbours of the Castro. On 20 August 2022, for the 86th anniversary of the death of Anuncia Casado, they held a tribute in her memory and other victims of the 1936 coup in the Terra das Frieiras. Among the various acts that took place, a plaque in Anuncia's memory was placed in the cemetery.
On the part of the USC, through the Histagra Group, the Professor of Contemporary History Lourenzo Fernández Prieto and the Doctor in History and professor Antonio Miguez Macho, coordinate a research team formed by archaeologists directed by the professor of the USC Jose Carlos Sánchez Pardo, the forensic anthropologist of the IMELGA Fernando Serrulla Rech and the team of genetics of the Institute of Forensic Sciences 'Luis Concheiro' directed by Ángel Carracedo.
In addition to the exhumation of the Castro-Viana grave, the tasks to be carried out in 2023 will be the following:
Location, exhumation and identification of victims of the graves in the cemetery of San Salvador de Trasanquelos (Oza-Cesuras) and Santa María del Val (Narón).
Once again, the help and presence of Galician civil society, through democratic memory associations, local researchers and relatives of asasindos/as, becomes a fundamental pillar of the investigation, just as it was for the smooth running of nomesevoces.net.
Contact with social agents, is essential, and we call on all aueles/as who wish to exhume or investigate graves related to Francoist violence, as well as provide data relating to them.
Contact us:
881812734 / 881971010 Ext. 101