HISTAGRA participates in the organisation of the Congress on the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera

HISTAGRA participates in the organisation of the Congress "Revisiting the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera"


On 14 and 15 September 2023, the Consello da Cultura Galega will host the conference, "Revisiting the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. The centenary of the 1923 coup d'état". Histagra is one of the groups organising the event, with the participation of the researcher Margarita Barral in the direction and Ramón Villares offering the inaugural conference "The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Galician perspective".


The programme of papers will be completed by Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas (USC), Alejandro Quiroga (UCM) and Eduardo González Calleja (UC3M).


The congress also presents communications that are distributed in 3 specific sessions
