Uncomfortable Past Conference: Carlos Benítez Trinidad

New conference of the Uncomfortable Past Cycle 2021-2022 


Next Thursday, it is said on November 25, plus 12 of the skill, to HISTAGRA researcher Carlos Benítez Trinidad, HISTAGRA Postdoctoral researcher, offers the conference 


Brazil cannot stop only to protect a race that is still extinct: indigenous people and non-authoritarian Brazilian developmentist indigenism 




Date: 11/25/2021 


Title: Brazil cannot stop only to protect a race and extinction: indigenous people and non-authoritarian Brazilian developmentist indigenism


Speaker: Carlos Benitez Trinidad 


Time: 12 h 


Place: Faculty of History. Classroom 14 


Face-to-face and team conference 


Carlos Benítez Trinidad (Cádiz, 1986) is a Doctor in Knowledge Dissemination by the Federal University of Bahia (2017) and Doctor in History of America from the Pablo de Olavide University (2017), with the thesis A mirror in the middle of a theater of symbols: the Indian imagined by Brazilian power and society during the civil-military dictatorship (1964-1985). Founder of the magazine Iberoamérica Social Network, he has made research stays at the Juri Juri Kawsay Amazon Scientific Station of the Central University of Ecuador and at the Fundação Nacional do Índio in Brazil. He is currently a researcher hired by the University of Santiago de Compostela integrated in the Agrarian History and Rural World Policy group, he is also a member of the international research groups Comparative Agriculture and Family Agriculture of the Federal University of Bahia and Historical and Cultural Integration, development and human rights in Latin America of the Pablo de Olavide University.
His lines of research are: history of imaginaries and mentalities, national narratives in contexts strongly influenced by the colonial experience (either as colonizers or as colonized) as well as the interethnic and domination relations arising from them in the Atlantic World of the twentieth century. He is currently developing a project for the comparative study of Portuguese luso-tropicalism narratives and Brazilian racial democracy and its impact on late Portuguese colonialism and on the formation of the contemporary social and cultural imaginary of both societies.
