New lecture by Pasados Incómodos: Xoán Manuel Garrido Vilariño

New lecture of Pasados Incómodos: History of the perception of Se isto é un hombre through translations


On Thursday 6 February at 12 noon, the lecture ‘Historia da percepción de Se isto é un home a través das traducións’ will be given by Xoán Manuel Garrido Vilariño, professor at the University of Vigo, at the Faculty of Geography and History.


Se questo è un uomo is a book about the horror of the concentration camps that became a reference in Holocaust literature after being translated into more than forty languages. It is a book written by Auschwitz prisoner Primo Levi (tattooed with the number 174577 on his left arm). The first drafts of the book were written in Italian at the same time as the horror of the events described by the man who lived through them for ten months in his own body. In more than one interview, Primo Levi confessed that while he was living through the horror of Nazism, he felt the need to recount them all and never missed an opportunity to make a note of them whenever he found a pencil with which to write. When faced with the challenge of translating Si questo è un uomo into Galician, he is a teacher who has been dedicated to teaching about the Holocaust for years because he believes that it is essential to educate the view of the Holocaust as a transversal resource to help school coexistence. 


Date: 6/2/2025

Title: Historia da percepción de Se isto é un home a través das traducións (History of the perception of Se isto é un home through translations)

Speaker: Xoán Manuel Garrido Vilariño

Time: 12 h

Place: Aula 13. Faculty of Geography and History


More information: Tel. 647344227
