HISTAGRA organises the conference Nature in [Un]balance with the María José Jove Foundation

HISTAGRA organises the conference Nature in [Un]balance with the María José Jove Foundation


On Monday 3 June, the HISTAGRA Group, in collaboration with the María José Jove Foundation, is organising the conference Nature in [un]balance. Science, art and community for the care of the territory. The conference will be held at CISPAC in Santiago de Compostela.


This meeting is part of the REVERDECER project on plant ecology and awareness for the conservation of native forests.


In the current context of socio-ecological crisis, the study of landscapes becomes a transcendental issue. Trees and forests, spaces of great biodiversity and essential for life, are the focus of increasing attention. They are the focus of attention from the most diverse fields in the quest to explain their functioning and to understand their interrelationships with the territory as a whole from a holistic perspective. Their transformative potential also feeds the thinking when it comes to imagining new forms of coexistence, displacing anthropocentric paradigms and generating other learning and alliances. 


On this day we propose a transdisciplinary meeting space open to academic researchers, artistic creators and, of course, to those who work directly in the territory. By linking attention from biology, anthropology, history, engineering, art and citizenship, we seek to better understand humanity's relationship with nature, both with the plant world and with other non-human forms of existence. We also seek to analyse the importance of communal spaces in facing serious environmental challenges, such as fires. In addition, we want to explore the role of art as a mobiliser of consciences in favour of sustainability. science, art and community at the service of the territory and nature.



Date: 3-6-2024

Time: 9:45 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Place: Visitors Reception Hall. Fontán Building

Organizers: HISTAGRA Group and CISPAC

Contact: histagra@usc.es


More information: https://www.fundacionmariajosejove.org/reverdecer/
