Ricardo Gurriarán Rodríguez

Ricardo Gurriarán Rodríguez

Doctor of Contemporary History

Ricardo Gurriarán Rodríguez (O Barco de Valdeorras, 1953) became a doctor of Contemporary History from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (2004) with the thesis A investigación científica en Galicia (1900-1940): institucións, redes formativas e carreiras académicas: A ruptura da Guerra Civil (‘Scientific research in Galicia, 1900-1940. Institutions, education networks and academic careers: The break of the Civil War’), directed by professor Lourenzo Fernández Prieto.
His lines of research are sports culture and the Spanish Civil War.

His main publications include the following: (2009): Obella Vidal: investigador, empresario e galeguista, Vigo, Foro Peinador; (2010): Inmunda escoria, Vigo, Xerias de Galicia, Fundación 10 de marzo; (coord.)(2010): 1968 en Compostela. 16 testemuños, Santiago de Compostela, Fundación 10 de marzo.
